현재 가장 인기있는 소프트웨어 개발 및 IT 관련 최신 정보를 정리하였습니다.
오픈소스, 개발자 역량 강화, 생산성, 인공지능 등의 IT 관련 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
IT 최신 정보 - 2023년 2월 1일 수요일
2. 메모리 안전성 향상을 위해 C 언어 배열을 현대화하는 방법
3. 마스토돈(Mastodon) 오픈 소스 기반의 소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS)
6. 소프트웨어 개발자로서 성공적인 커리어를 위한 5가지 습관
9. 좋은 개발자가 되는 방법 : 시니어 프로그래머의 20가지 실용적인 팁
11. ChatGPT 생성 AI 프롬프트를 사용한 10가지 생산성 해킹
13. 97%의 사람들보다 당신을 앞서게 할 5가지 인생을 바꾸는 교훈
14. 앱을 Svelte로 전환하는 시간을 2.4배 단축한 방법
15. JavaScript 개발자를 위한 최신 빌드 도구 및 개발 서버 'Vite'
16. 개발자를 위한 오픈소스 포트폴리오 템플릿 'Dopefolio'
17. HashiCorp의 새로운 오픈 소스 디자인 시스템 'Helios'
19. AWS Ubuntu EC2에 Django 애플리케이션을 배포하는 방법
20. 어디서나 파일 및 공유 관리 'Filebrowser'
21. 삶, 프로그래밍, 콘텐츠 제작 및 기타 모든 것을 위해 사용해야 하는 51가지 AI 도구
22. 가장 쉽고 안전한 JavaScript 런타임 Deno 1.30 출시
24. Golang에서 Erlang/OTP의 기술과 디자인 패턴을 이용한 액터 기반 프레임워크
25. OpenAI에서 AI 쓴 텍스트, 사람이 쓴 텍스트 구별가능한 분류기 출시
27. 저전력 무선 IoT 장치용 운영체제 Contiki
28. 가장 빠른 오픈 소스 시계열 데이터베이스 'QuestDB'
29. Windows WireGuard VPN 클라이언트 'TunnlTo'
30. Windows와 macOS의 완벽한 대체품 Elementary OS 7 출시
31. Go, Rust, Scala, Java, Kotlin, Python, Typescript, Elm의 컴파일러 오류 비교
32. DeepMind, 마인크래프트 플레이 AI DreamerV3 발표
33. 구글, Kubernetes GitOps 모니터링 대시보드 출시 'ConfigSync'
34. 구글, 포괄적인 클라우드 인프라 안정성 가이드 제공
1. 메모리 안전의 미래 보고서
원본출처 : https://digital-lab-wp.consumerreports.org/2023/01/23/new-report-future-of-memory-safety/
New Report: Future of Memory Safety | Digital Lab at Consumer Reports
In October 2022, Consumer Reports hosted an online convening to discuss ways to encourage widespread adoption of code written in memory-safe languages. The event gave participants the opportunity to share resources related to memory safety, discuss opportu
2. 메모리 안전성 향상을 위해 C 언어 배열을 현대화하는 방법
원본출처 : https://people.kernel.org/kees/bounded-flexible-arrays-in-c
Bounded Flexible Arrays in C
How to modernize C arrays for greater memory safety: a case-study in refactoring the Linux kernel and a look to the future Kees Cook C i...
3. 마스토돈(Mastodon) 오픈 소스 기반의 소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS)
원본출처(오픈소스) : https://github.com/mastodon
Mastodon gGmbH is a German non-profit developing a decentralized social network - Mastodon
참고링크 : https://joinmastodon.org/
Mastodon - Decentralized social media
Learn more about Mastodon, the radically different, free and open-source decentralized social media platform.
참고링크 : https://weirder.earth/about
마스토돈은 오픈 소스 기반의 소셜 네트워크 서비스 입니다. 상용 플랫폼의 대체로서 분산형 구조를 채택해, 여러분의 대화가 한 회사에 독점되는 것을 방지합니다. 신뢰할 수 있는 인스턴스를
참고링크 : https://github.com/hometown-fork/hometown
GitHub - hometown-fork/hometown: A supported fork of Mastodon that provides local posting and a wider range of content types.
A supported fork of Mastodon that provides local posting and a wider range of content types. - GitHub - hometown-fork/hometown: A supported fork of Mastodon that provides local posting and a wider ...
4. 오픈소스 Lisa Pascal
원본출처 : https://github.com/rochus-keller/LisaPascal
GitHub - rochus-keller/LisaPascal: A parser and browser for the Lisa source code published by the Computer History Museum
A parser and browser for the Lisa source code published by the Computer History Museum - GitHub - rochus-keller/LisaPascal: A parser and browser for the Lisa source code published by the Computer H...
5. 코드 단순성 : 소프트웨어의 기본(무료 전자책)
원본출처 : https://www.codesimplicity.com/book/
Code Simplicity: The Fundamentals of Software (Free eBook) » Code Simplicity
I wrote a book called Code Simplicity: The Fundamentals of Software. Thanks to my publisher granting me the rights to distribute the book myself, you can now download the PDF of the book for free. It doesn’t have a cover, but otherwise it is the exact sa
6. 소프트웨어 개발자로서 성공적인 커리어를 위한 5가지 습관
원본출처 : https://medium.com/geekculture/5-habits-for-a-kickass-career-as-a-software-developer-d6d1510e8921
5 Habits for a Kickass Career as a Software Developer
Unlocking the secrets to a happy and successful life in the tech world.
7. 개발자를 위한 다이어그램 작성 도구
원본출처 : https://github.com/terrastruct/d2
GitHub - terrastruct/d2: D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams. - GitHub - terrastruct/d2: D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
8. Redis vs Kafka vs RabbitMQ
원본출처 : https://medium.com/@codeeverywhere/redis-vs-kafka-vs-rabbitmq-43eeec82bafb
Redis vs Kafka vs RabbitMQ
When using asynchronous communication for Microservices, it is common to use a message broker. A broker ensures communication between…
9. 좋은 개발자가 되는 방법 : 시니어 프로그래머의 20가지 실용적인 팁
원본출처 : https://stratoflow.com/how-to-be-a-good-developer/
How to Be a Good Developer: 20 Practical Tips From Our Senior Programmers - Stratoflow
A team of senior software developers from Stratoflow shares 20 useful tips on how to be a good developer. See our checklist!
10. 터미널 내부에서 실행되는 Chromium
원본출처 : https://github.com/fathyb/carbonyl
GitHub - fathyb/carbonyl: Chromium running inside your terminal
Chromium running inside your terminal. Contribute to fathyb/carbonyl development by creating an account on GitHub.
11. ChatGPT 생성 AI 프롬프트를 사용한 10가지 생산성 해킹
원본출처 : https://www.datasciencecentral.com/ten-productivity-hacks-using-chaptgpt-generative-ai-prompts/
Ten Productivity Hacks using ChaptGPT Generative AI Prompts - DataScienceCentral.com
Generative AI is suddenly everywhere. Because of this, the future of AI looks very bright indeed. There are many opportunities for generative AI to impact life and business in both positive and negative ways in the near future. Because the consequence of
12. Python의 SOLID 원칙
원본출처 : https://www.hashbangcode.com/article/solid-principles-python#liskov-substitution-principle
SOLID Principles In Python
SOLID is a set of object oriented design principles aimed at making code more maintainable and flexible. They were coined by Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin in the year 2000 in his paper Design Principles and Design Patterns. The SOLID principles apply to any o
13. 97%의 사람들보다 당신을 앞서게 할 5가지 인생을 바꾸는 교훈
5 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned From Being Laid Off That Will Put You Ahead Of 97% Of People
I am sitting in this auditorium with 50 other coworkers. Our manager and the HR lady are there. They...
14. 앱을 Svelte로 전환하는 시간을 2.4배 단축한 방법
원본출처 : https://itnext.io/how-i-made-my-app-2-4x-faster-switching-to-svelte-99e3985c13d3
How I Made My App 2.4x Faster Switching to Svelte
Server side rendering, lazy loading, pre-render, and less javascript
15. JavaScript 개발자를 위한 최신 빌드 도구 및 개발 서버 'Vite'
원본출처 : https://medium.com/trendyol-tech/vite-webpack-killer-or-something-else-87019b4aeca2
Vite: Webpack Killer or Something Else?
Vite is a build tool and development server for modern JavaScript applications. It aims to provide a faster and more efficient development.
16. 개발자를 위한 오픈소스 포트폴리오 템플릿 'Dopefolio'
원본출처 : https://dev.to/rammcodes/i-created-an-opensource-portfolio-template-for-developers-7m4
I Created an OpenSource Portfolio Template for Developers 🚀
Launching 🚀 Dopefolio 🔥 - An OpenSource Multipage Portfolio Website Template for Developers...
참조링크(오픈소스) : https://github.com/rammcodes/Dopefolio
GitHub - rammcodes/Dopefolio: Dopefolio 🔥 - Portfolio Template for Developers 🚀
Dopefolio 🔥 - Portfolio Template for Developers 🚀. Contribute to rammcodes/Dopefolio development by creating an account on GitHub.
17. HashiCorp의 새로운 오픈 소스 디자인 시스템 'Helios'
원본출처 : https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/introducing-helios-hashicorp-s-new-design-system
Introducing Helios, HashiCorp’s New Design System
Helios, HashiCorp’s new open source design system, offers a peek into how we create our product UIs.
참조링크(오픈소스) : https://github.com/hashicorp/design-system
GitHub - hashicorp/design-system: Helios Design System
Helios Design System. Contribute to hashicorp/design-system development by creating an account on GitHub.
18. 오픈 소스 문서 관리 시스템 Hermes
원본출처 : https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/introducing-hermes-an-open-source-document-management-system
Introducing Hermes, An Open Source Document Management System
Learn about Hermes, an open source document management system created by HashiCorp to help streamline writing and document processes.
참조링크(오픈소스) : https://github.com/hashicorp-forge/hermes
GitHub - hashicorp-forge/hermes: A document management system
A document management system. Contribute to hashicorp-forge/hermes development by creating an account on GitHub.
19. AWS Ubuntu EC2에 Django 애플리케이션을 배포하는 방법
원본출처 : https://awstip.com/how-to-deploy-django-application-on-aws-ubuntu-ec2-25a24ca439e2
How to deploy Django application on AWS Ubuntu EC2
How to deploy Django application on AWS Ubuntu EC2 with Nginx and Uwsgi — A Practical Guide
20. 어디서나 파일 및 공유 관리 'Filebrowser'
원본출처 : https://noted.lol/filebrowser/
Filebrowser - Manage your Files and Shares from Anywhere
Meet Filebrowser. My favorite self hosted web file manager. It has wings!
21. 삶, 프로그래밍, 콘텐츠 제작 및 기타 모든 것을 위해 사용해야 하는 51가지 AI 도구
51 AI tools you should be using for life, programming, content creation and everything else
If you enjoy this topic, you will probably like my articles, tweets, and stuff. If you're wondering,...
22. 가장 쉽고 안전한 JavaScript 런타임 Deno 1.30 출시
원본출처 : https://deno.com/blog/v1.30
Deno 1.30: Built-in Node modules
Deno 1.30 supports built-in Node modules, deno.json is an import map, deno fmt can format without semicolons, and more...
23. 소프트웨어 아키텍처 문서에 대한 최고의 가이드
원본출처 : https://www.workingsoftware.dev/software-architecture-documentation-the-ultimate-guide/
The Ultimate Guide To Software Architecture Documentation
This guide shows you how to write, structure, visualize and manage software architecture documentation in a lean way using appropriate documentation tools.
24. Golang에서 Erlang/OTP의 기술과 디자인 패턴을 이용한 액터 기반 프레임워크
An actor based Framework using technologies and design patterns of Erlang/OTP in Golang
Technologies and design patterns of Erlang/OTP have been proven over the years. Now in Golang. Up to x5 times faster than original Erlang/OTP in terms of network messaging. The easiest way to create an OTP-designed application in Golang. Purpose This proje
25. OpenAI에서 AI 쓴 텍스트, 사람이 쓴 텍스트 구별가능한 분류기 출시
원본출처 : https://openai.com/blog/new-ai-classifier-for-indicating-ai-written-text/
New AI classifier for indicating AI-written text
We’re launching a classifier trained to distinguish between AI-written and human-written text. We’ve trained a classifier to distinguish between text written by a human and text written by AIs from a variety of providers. While it is impossible to reli
26. WASM언어 런타임에 Python 지원 추가
원본출처 : https://wasmlabs.dev/articles/python-wasm32-wasi/
Adding Python support to Wasm Language Runtimes
Providing up-to-date, convenient WebAssembly builds of Python with WASI support
27. 저전력 무선 IoT 장치용 운영체제 Contiki
원본출처 : https://github.com/contiki-os/contiki
GitHub - contiki-os/contiki: The official git repository for Contiki, the open source OS for the Internet of Things
The official git repository for Contiki, the open source OS for the Internet of Things - GitHub - contiki-os/contiki: The official git repository for Contiki, the open source OS for the Internet of...
참고링크 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contiki
Contiki - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Real-time operating system Contiki is an operating system for networked, memory-constrained systems with a focus on low-power wireless Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Contiki is used for systems for street lighting,
28. 가장 빠른 오픈 소스 시계열 데이터베이스 'QuestDB'
원본출처 : https://questdb.io/careers/developer-relations-engineer/
Developer Relations Engineers | QuestDB
Join QuestDB as a Developer Relations Engineer to inspire and grow developer communities using the fastest open source time series database.
참고링크(오픈소스) : https://github.com/questdb/questdb
GitHub - questdb/questdb: An open source time-series database for fast ingest and SQL queries
An open source time-series database for fast ingest and SQL queries - GitHub - questdb/questdb: An open source time-series database for fast ingest and SQL queries
29. Windows WireGuard VPN 클라이언트 'TunnlTo'
원본출처 : https://github.com/TunnlTo/desktop-app
GitHub - TunnlTo/desktop-app: TunnlTo is a lightweight, fast, Windows WireGuard VPN client built for split tunneling.
TunnlTo is a lightweight, fast, Windows WireGuard VPN client built for split tunneling. - GitHub - TunnlTo/desktop-app: TunnlTo is a lightweight, fast, Windows WireGuard VPN client built for split ...
30. Windows와 macOS의 완벽한 대체품 Elementary OS 7 출시
원본출처 : https://blog.elementary.io/os-7-available-now/
elementary OS 7 Available Now
Forward thinking and designed for real life
다운로드 : https://elementary.io/
The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS ⋅ elementary OS
The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS
31. Go, Rust, Scala, Java, Kotlin, Python, Typescript, Elm의 컴파일러 오류 비교
원본 출처 : https://www.amazingcto.com/developer-productivity-compiler-errors/
Amazing CTO
Amazing CTO | How to be amazing
32. DeepMind, 마인크래프트 플레이 AI DreamerV3 발표
원본출처 : https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/01/deepmind-dreamer-minecraft/
DeepMind Announces Minecraft-Playing AI DreamerV3
Researchers from DeepMind and the University of Toronto announced DreamerV3, a reinforcement-learning (RL) algorithm for training AI models for many different domains. Using a single set of hyperparameters, DreamerV3 outperforms other methods on several be
33. 구글, Kubernetes GitOps 모니터링 대시보드 출시 'ConfigSync'
Google Releases Kubernetes GitOps Observability Dashboard
Google Cloud introduced Config Management Dashboard that allows the Platform Administrator or Operator to have a real-time picture of configuration syncs and failures across multiple Kubernetes clusters.
참고출처 : https://www.gitops.tech/
GitOps is Continuous Deployment for cloud native applications
34. 구글, 포괄적인 클라우드 인프라 안정성 가이드 제공
Google Delivers Comprehensive Cloud Infrastructure Reliability Guide
Google recently delivered a cloud infrastructure reliability guide combining best practices and expertise from its engineers for its customers.
참고출처 : https://cloud.google.com/architecture/infra-reliability-guide
Google Cloud infrastructure reliability guide
Introduces the building blocks of reliability in Google Cloud, and provides architectural recommendations to design reliable infrastructure for your cloud workloads.
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