소프트웨어 개발 및 IT 관련 최신 정보
IT 최신 정보 - 2023년 1월 26일 목요일
1. 차세대 프론트엔드 개발 neo.mjs Version 5 릴리즈
2. 2023년 10가지 웹 개발 트렌드
3. 이것이 우리가 React Native 사용을 중단한 이유입니다.
4. 그들이 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대해 가르쳐주지 않은 것들
5. Golang 으로 개발한 단말기용 개인정보 대시보드 WTF
6. 내가 소프트웨어 개발자로서 Notion에서 Obsidian으로 옮긴 3가지 이유
7. 워터마크나 제한이 없는 무료(오픈소스) 이력서 작성기
8. 자체 호스팅 코드 서버를 사용하여 어디에서나 코딩하는 방법
9. 넷플릭스(Netflix) 시스템 설계 - 백엔드 아키텍처
10. 1억명의 개발자 및 집계중(카운팅)
11. 2023년 AWS에서 서버리스 앱을 구축하기 위한 프레임워크
12. 2023년 필수 프로그래밍 및 개발 기술을 배우기 위한 상위 10개 Udemy 과정
13. 원격 코딩 설정(Setup)
14. TIOBE 프로그래밍 언어 인기 순위
15. Midjourney와 유사한 오픈소스로 구현한 프로젝트 OpenJourney
16. Japier를 대체하기 위한 오픈소스 Automatisch
17. 리눅스용 오픈소스 가상 데스크톱 창 관리자 FVWM
18. 게임 엔진(Ebitengine)으로 텍스트 편집기 만들기
19. 구글(Google) Flutter 3.7 출시와 앱 개발 프레임워크의 미래 예고
20. 최소한의 크로스 플랫폼 그래픽 만들기
21. 린(lean) 소프트웨어 개발은 스크럼(Scrum)보다 더 나은 애자일(Agile) 방법론이다
22. Nix를 위한 새로운 학습 리소스 Zero to Nix
23. 다양한 프로그래밍 언어의 코드를 온라인에서 실행하기 위한 온라인 샌드박스 환경 Attempt This Online
24. Google, 오픈 소스 취약점 검색 도구 출시
25. 소프트웨어 개발에서 내부, 외부, 프로세스 품질에 대한 적절한 지표 찾기
26. 2023년 소프트웨어 테스팅, 인공지능, 머신러닝 트렌드
1. 차세대 프론트엔드 개발 neo.mjs Version 5 릴리즈
원본 링크 : https://itnext.io/the-next-generation-of-front-end-development-65887c59b173
The Next Generation of Front-end Development
Experience the Speed and Efficiency of neo.mjs Version 5
neo.mjs - Website
참조 링크 : https://github.com/neomjs/neo
GitHub - neomjs/neo: The application worker driven frontend framework
The application worker driven frontend framework. Contribute to neomjs/neo development by creating an account on GitHub.
2. 2023년 10가지 웹 개발 트렌드
원본 링크 : https://www.robinwieruch.de/web-development-trends/
10 Web Development Trends in 2023
Web Development Trends in 2023 which should be on your watchlist. A walkthrough of the state of JS ...
3. 이것이 우리가 React Native 사용을 중단한 이유입니다.
원본 링크 : https://www.twopicode.com/articles/this-is-why-we-stopped-using-react-native/
This is Why We Stopped Using React Native - TwoPi Code - Make it happen.
Since moving back to developing separate native apps for iOS and Android, app development has become a much more pleasant experience. We’ve been able to produce more functional and better looking apps in a shorter amount of time than we could ever have d
4. 그들이 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대해 가르쳐주지 않은 것들
원본링크 : https://vadimkravcenko.com/shorts/things-they-didnt-teach-you/
Things they didn't teach you about Software Engineering
As always, a disclaimer before we start, this is purely subjective. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, I hope
5. Golang 으로 개발한 단말기용 개인정보 대시보드 WTF
원본링크 : https://golang.ch/a-personal-information-dashboard-for-your-terminal-developed-in-golang/
A personal information dashboard for your terminal, developed in Golang
WTF is a personal information dashboard for your terminal, developed in Golang for those who spend most of their day in the command line. https://wtfutil.com/ It provides a framework for rapidly viewing crucial at-a-glance information quickly. Keep an eye
참조 링크 : https://wtfutil.com/
WTF - the terminal dashboard
6. 내가 소프트웨어 개발자로서 Notion에서 Obsidian으로 옮긴 3가지 이유
Top 3 Reasons Why I Moved From Notion to Obsidian as a Software Developer
Type Fast Using VIM and Format Notes Effectively Using Markdown.
참조 링크 : https://obsidian.md/
Obsidian: A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.
7. 워터마크나 제한이 없는 무료(오픈소스) 이력서 작성기
Finally, a Free (and Open Source) Resume Builder Without Watermarks or Limitations
I have wasted more time than I'd like to admit looking for a resume builder. All of the "free" ones...
참고 링크(오픈소스) : https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume
GitHub - AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume: A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, custom
A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today! - GitHub - AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume: A...
8. 자체 호스팅 코드 서버를 사용하여 어디에서나 코딩하는 방법
원본 링크 : https://noted.lol/how-to-code-from-anywhere-using-self-hosted-code-server/
How to Code from Anywhere using Self Hosted Code Server
Have you ever went on a vacation only to have your laptop crap out on you? You can self host your code and access it anywhere using Code Server.
참조 링크 : https://coder.com/
Coder - Remote development on your infrastructure
Coder - Remote development on your infrastructure
9. 넷플릭스(Netflix) 시스템 설계 - 백엔드 아키텍처
원본 링크 : https://dev.to/gbengelebs/netflix-system-design-backend-architecture-10i3
Netflix System Design- Backend Architecture
Cover Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash Netflix accounts for about 15% of the world's internet...
10. 1억명의 개발자 및 집계중(카운팅)
원본 링크 : https://github.blog/2023-01-25-100-million-developers-and-counting/
100 million developers and counting | The GitHub Blog
There are now 100 million developers around the world using GitHub. Here’s what this means—and why it’s just the beginning.
11. 2023년 AWS에서 서버리스 앱을 구축하기 위한 프레임워크
원본 링크 : https://blog.elva-group.com/serverless-frameworks-for-2023
⚡️Serverless Frameworks for 2023
A comparison and showcase of the most commonly used serverless frameworks for AWS: Serverless Framework, AWS CDK, AWS SAM & SST
12. 2023년 필수 프로그래밍 및 개발 기술을 배우기 위한 상위 10개 Udemy 과정
Top 10 Udemy Courses to Learn Essential Programming and Development Skills in 2023
These are the best Udemy courses you can take to learn essential Tech skills in 2023
13. 원격 코딩 설정(Setup)
원본 링크 : https://richstone.io/your-remote-coding-setup/
Your remote coding setup
When you get to code together remotely, you are up for some good results and problem solutions. When your remote coding setup is trash, your coding session will be trash or close to trash. The way you usually shape your organization's coding sessions will
14. TIOBE 프로그래밍 언어 인기 순위
원본 링크 : https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
Home » TIOBE Index TIOBE Index for January 2023 January Headline: C++ is TIOBE's Programming Language of the Year 2022! C++ is TIOBE's programming language of the year 2022. It has won this title because C++ gained most popularity (+4.62%) in 2022. Runner
15. Midjourney와 유사한 오픈소스로 구현한 프로젝트 OpenJourney
원본 링크 : https://open-journey.github.io/
OpenJourney: Midjourney, but open source...! OpenJourney is a Text-to-Image AI model which has the goal of bringing an open source equivalent to Midjourney to the people. It is currently based on prompthero/midjourney-v4-diffusion and is under further deve
참고 링크 : https://huggingface.co/openjourney/openjourney
openjourney/openjourney · Hugging Face
OpenJourney : Midjourney, but open source!
16. Japier를 대체하기 위한 오픈소스 Automatisch
원본 링크 : https://automatisch.io/
Automatisch - Open Source Zapier Alternative
Build workflow automation without spending time and money. No code is required.
참고 링크 : https://github.com/automatisch/automatisch
GitHub - automatisch/automatisch: The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money.
The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money. - GitHub - automatisch/automatisch: The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation with...
17. 리눅스용 오픈소스 가상 데스크톱 창 관리자 FVWM
원본 링크 : https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3
GitHub - fvwmorg/fvwm3: FVWM version 3 -- the successor to fvwm2
FVWM version 3 -- the successor to fvwm2. Contribute to fvwmorg/fvwm3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
참고 링크 : https://www.fvwm.org/
F? Virtual Window Manager
Fvwm is a virtual window manager for the X windows system. It was originally a feeble fork of TWM by Robert Nation in 1993 (fvwm history), and has evolved into the fantastic, fabulous, famous, flexible, and so on, window manager we have today. Fvwm is ICCC
18. 게임 엔진(Ebitengine)으로 텍스트 편집기 만들기
원본 링크 : https://healeycodes.com/making-a-text-editor-with-a-game-engine
Making a Text Editor with a Game Engine
Writing my own quirky version of nano using the 2D game engine Ebitengine.
참조 링크 : https://github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten
GitHub - hajimehoshi/ebiten: Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go
Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go. Contribute to hajimehoshi/ebiten development by creating an account on GitHub.
19. 구글(Google) Flutter 3.7 출시와 앱 개발 프레임워크의 미래 예고
원본 출처 : https://9to5google.com/2023/01/25/flutter-forward-teaser/
Google releases Flutter 3.7, teases future of app development framework
Google released Flutter 3.7 with more Material You widgets and menus support, while also teasing the future of the app development framework.
20. 최소한의 크로스 플랫폼 그래픽 만들기
원본 출처 : https://zserge.com/posts/fenster/
Minimal cross-platform graphics
Exploring how to use 2D graphics in various desktop operating systems, the old-school way. In this part we learn how to create an empty window under Linux, macOS and Windows.
참고 링크 : https://github.com/zserge
zserge - Overview
Turning complex problems into a lightweight and simple software solutions. - zserge
21. 린(lean) 소프트웨어 개발은 스크럼(Scrum)보다 더 나은 애자일(Agile) 방법론이다
원본 출처 : https://blog.ploeh.dk/2023/01/23/agilean/#8837c4f67d694f93ad0b708cc1739705
There are other agile methodologies than scrum. More than twenty years after the Agile Manifesto it looks as though there's only one kind of agile process left: Scrum. I recently held a workshop and as a side remark I mentioned that I don't consider scrum
22. Nix를 위한 새로운 학습 리소스 Zero to Nix
원본 출처 : https://determinate.systems/posts/zero-to-nix
참조 출처 : https://zero-to-nix.com/
Zero to Nix
An unofficial, opinionated, gentle introduction to Nix
23. 다양한 프로그래밍 언어의 코드를 온라인에서 실행하기 위한 오픈소스 온라인 샌드박스 환경 Attempt This Online
원본 출처 : https://ato.pxeger.com/about
Attempt This Online
Attempt This OnlineAttempt This Online is an online sandbox environment for running code in an ever-growing list of programming languages, both practical and recreational. ATO was originally conceived as a replacement for the increasingly out-of-date Try I
참조 출처(오픈소스) : https://github.com/attempt-this-online/attempt-this-online
GitHub - attempt-this-online/attempt-this-online: Try It Online clone: online sandbox environment for testing code in a variety
Try It Online clone: online sandbox environment for testing code in a variety of languages - GitHub - attempt-this-online/attempt-this-online: Try It Online clone: online sandbox environment for te...
24. Google, 오픈 소스 취약점 검색 도구 출시
Google Releases Open-Source Vulnerability Scanning Tool
Google has released OSV-Scanner, an open-source front-end interface to the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) database. The OSV database is a distributed, open-source database that stores vulnerability information in the OSV format. The OSV-Scanner assesses a
참조 링크(오픈소스) https://github.com/google/osv-scanner
GitHub - google/osv-scanner: Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the data provided by https://osv.dev
Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the data provided by https://osv.dev - GitHub - google/osv-scanner: Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the data provided by https://osv.dev
25. 소프트웨어 개발에서 내부, 외부, 프로세스 품질에 대한 적절한 지표 찾기
Finding Adequate Metrics for Outer, Inner, and Process Quality in Software Development
Implementing a feature can be measured. Quality is harder to measure. This article explores how to balance improving quality and adding new features. It dives into different domains of quality: Outer quality which is owned by the product people (e.g. produ
26. 2023년 소프트웨어 테스팅, 인공지능, 머신러닝 트렌드
원본 출처 : https://www.infoq.com/articles/software-testing-ai-ml-2023/
Software Testing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Trends in 2023
Technology has taken significant leaps within the last few years, introducing advancements that have taken us further into the digital age — impacting the software testing industry and we're seeing advances in machine learning, artificial intelligence, a
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