오늘 하루 가장 인기있는 소프트웨어 개발 및 IT 관련 최신 정보를 정리하였습니다.
설계, 오픈소스, 알고리즘, 트렌드 등의 IT 관련 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
IT 최신 정보 - 2023년 1월 27일 금요일
05. 자동 확장 상태 저장 시스템을 위한 설계 패턴 제안
06. CTO 및 기술 리더를 위한 2022년 최고의 기사 72개
10. 오픈 소스 Docker 데스크톱 대안인 Podman 데스크톱 시작하기
14. 모든 프로그래머가 알아야 할 상위 8가지 알고리즘
15. 모든 개발자가 알아야 할 9가지 환상적인 웹사이트
16. 다음 프로젝트를 위해 사용 가능한 100개의 CSS 로더
17. 실시간 애플리케이션, 게임 엔진과 같이 성능에 민감한 애플리케이션을 위한 새로운 시스템 프로그래밍 언어 'Nelua'
18. AI 개발자, ChatGPT 교육 알고리즘의 오픈 소스 구현 공개
19. 플랫폼 엔지니어링 101 : 최신 트렌드에 대해 알아야 할 사항
01. 소프트웨어 및 불만사항, 2023년 1월
원본 출처 : https://laughingmeme.org/2023/01/16/software-and-its-discontents-part-1.html
Software and its Discontents, January 2023, Part 1
Over the last few months I’ve been intrigued by a question: where is the frustration and disillusionment, so prevalent currently in the software industry, coming from? And, as an engineering leader, what can I learn from this discontent and how should it
02. 소프트웨어 및 불만사항, 2부 : 복잡성 증가
원본 출처 : https://laughingmeme.org/2023/01/23/software-and-its-discontents-part-2-complexity.html
Software and its Discontents, Part 2: An Explosion of Complexity
This is part 2 in my “Software and its Discontents” series. This series is the product of my asking a bunch of folks about the current state of software engineering, the sense that it is not going well, that people are disillusioned and frustrated. In
03. 소프트웨어 복잡성의 원인은 '제약조건'
원본 출처 : https://www.hillelwayne.com/post/complexity-constraints/
Sources of Complexity: Constraints • Hillel Wayne
Complexity is bad. Simple software is better than complex software. But software is complex for a reason. While people like coming up with grand theories of complexity (Simple Made Easy, No Silver Bullet) there’s very little info out there on the nitty-g
04. 플랫폼을 설계한다는 것의 의미
원본 출처 : https://matthewstrom.com/writing/platform-design/
What it means to design a platform
Editor’s note: This essay was adapted from a post I wrote on an employees-only blog at Stripe. After four months of parental leave, I came back to work and noticed something different. Many of the words, phrases, acronyms, and figures of speech I took fo
05. 자동 확장 상태 저장 시스템을 위한 설계 패턴 제안
원본 출처 : https://www.infoq.com/articles/design-proposal-autoscaling-stateful-systems/
Design Pattern Proposal for Autoscaling Stateful Systems
In this article, Rogerio Robetti discusses the challenges in auto-scaling stateful storage systems and proposes an opinionated design solution to automatically scale up (vertical) and scale out (horizontal) from a single node up to several nodes in a clust
06. CTO 및 기술 리더를 위한 2022년 최고의 기사 72개
원본 출처 : https://lemon.io/blog/72-best-articles-for-ctos-and-tech-leaders/
72 best articles of 2022 for CTO and tech leaders
72 articles on various topics for CTOs and tech leaders, chosen by one of Lemon.io founders
07. TypeScript 5.0 베타 발표
원본 출처 : https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0-beta/
Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta
Today we’re excited to announce our beta release of TypeScript 5.0! This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript, smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, functionality to better support ESM
08. RTOS(실시간 운영 체제) 입문 집중 과정
원본 출처 : https://www.sternumiot.com/blog-posts/crush-course-introduction-to-real-time-operating-system-rtos
Crash Course Introduction to Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system built for real-time applications, which can process data and events under strictly defined time constraints.
09. 지루한 파이썬 : 종속성 관리
원본 출처 : https://www.b-list.org/weblog/2022/may/13/boring-python-dependencies/
Boring Python: dependency management
Boring Python: dependency management <!-- If this entry is assigned to one or more categories, they'll appear in links in the paragraph below. Each of those links uses rel="category" to indicate it's a link to a category. See http://microformats.org/wiki/
10. 오픈 소스 Docker 데스크톱 대안인 Podman 데스크톱 시작하기
Getting Started With Podman Desktop, an Open Source Docker Desktop Alternative
Podman Desktop is a free alternative to Docker Desktop that’s another great option for local development use. It offers a similar feature set while remaining entirely open-source, letting you avoid the licensing implications of using Docker’s product.
11. 소프트웨어 정확성 입증
원본 출처 : https://itnext.io/when-is-software-correct-ceed968fdab6
When is software correct
With tests, we can prove that our software works correctly. But how do we define ‘correct’ in software testing?
12. 모든 리눅스. 프라이버시 및 생산성
원본 출처 : https://blog.krshkun.eu.org/all-linux-blog#heading-introduction-to-linux
Should developers use Linux? Linux for developers
Should developers use Linux? Dive with me on a complete guide about Linux, why it is better, some geeky Linux terms and how to choose a distribution!
13. 2023년 최고의 오픈 소스 CRM
원본 출처 : https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/best-open-source-crm-of-2023/
Best Open Source CRM of 2023
Here is the best open source CRM of 2023.
14. 모든 프로그래머가 알아야 할 상위 8가지 알고리즘
원본 출처 : https://python.plainenglish.io/top-8-algorithms-every-programmer-should-know-93c826267938
Top 8 Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know 💯
In programming, an algorithm is a set of instructions or a procedure for solving a specific problem or achieving a specific task…
15. 모든 개발자가 알아야 할 9가지 환상적인 웹사이트
원본 출처 : https://dev.to/hy_piyush/9-fantastic-websites-every-developer-must-know-580a
9 Fantastic websites every developer must know
I’ve been such a fan of websites that helps to reduce our work so much easier. Even for developers,...
16. 다음 프로젝트를 위해 사용 가능한 100개의 CSS 로더
원본 출처 : https://dev.to/afif/i-made-100-css-loaders-for-your-next-project-4eje
I made 100 CSS loaders for your next project
You either make a super fast website/application or you use loaders. I think most of us fall into the...
17. 실시간 애플리케이션, 게임 엔진과 같이 성능에 민감한 애플리케이션을 위한 새로운 시스템 프로그래밍 언어 'Nelua'
원본 출처 : https://nelua.io/
Nelua is as simple and intuitive as Lua. Some additions like type notations, efficient data structures, and metaprogramming utilities are available, unlike Lua, but all of them are optional. If you know how to code in Lua then you probably know how to code
18. AI 개발자, ChatGPT 교육 알고리즘의 오픈 소스 구현 공개
원본 출처 : https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/01/open-source-chatgpt/
AI Developers Release Open-Source Implementations of ChatGPT Training Algorithm
AI research groups LAION and CarperAI have released OpenAssistant and trlX, open-source implementations of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), the Algorithm used to train ChatGPT. Independent AI developer Phil Wang has also open-sourced his
19. 플랫폼 엔지니어링 101 : 최신 트렌드에 대해 알아야 할 사항
원본 출처 : https://www.infoq.com/articles/platform-engineering-primer/
Platform Engineering 101: What You Need to Know About This Hot New Trend
Platform engineering is a current hot topic with a rapidly growing tooling ecosystem and landscape. This article reviews many of the important trends in Platform Engineering.
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